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WhatsApp Image 2024 09 30 at 09.31.59 2Written by Claudia Malaquias, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Minas Gerais

The ability to listen is a precious talent, often underestimated in a world where communication is generally understood as speaking. However, true wisdom and understanding come from the ability to listen with an open heart and mind. The biblical passages of Matthew 15:10 and Proverbs 1:5-6 provide a solid spiritual foundation for understanding a listening spirit's profound impact.

In Matthew 15:10, Jesus says, "Hear and understand” (ESV). These words are a direct call to the importance of listening carefully. Jesus often taught using parables, requiring the audience to listen carefully and thoughtfully to capture the true meaning of His words. This form of communication highlights that listening is not simply a passive act, but an active practice of understanding and internalizing the message.

Proverbs 1:5-6 adds to this idea, stating, "Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance for understanding proverbs and parables” (NIV). This verse suggests that the listening process is continual and essential for growth in wisdom. By listening, we gain not only knowledge but also the ability to apply that knowledge practically and effectively in our lives.

In my personal experience, adopting a spirit of listening has significantly transformed my relationships and my spiritual walk. I remember a time when I was facing a professional dilemma. Instead of acting impulsively, I sought advice and dedicated myself to listening carefully to more experienced colleagues. This practice not only helped me make a more informed decision but also strengthened my relationships in the workplace. The act of listening created a space of trust and mutual respect.

The habit of listening is also crucial in our family life. There are times when the people we live with (husband, children, siblings, etc.) need someone to listen to them without judgment or interruptions. By practicing active listening, we demonstrate love and empathy, which strengthens our bonds. I have learned that often solutions to problems arise not necessarily from what I say, but from the way I listen.

In the spiritual context, a spirit of listening also results in a deepening of our relationship with God. When meditating on the Scriptures and prayers, listening to God's voice requires silence and attention. There are times when the answers to our prayers do not come immediately, but through an ongoing process of listening and reflection.

Finally, a spirit of listening promotes humility. We recognize that we do not have all the answers, and that wisdom can be found in the experiences and knowledge of others. This recognition makes us more open to learning, and as a result, generates spiritual growth stimulated by the Scriptures (Heb 5:11-14; Pr 1:5-6; 1Pe 2:1-3; Col 1:9-10).

We can then distinguish some advantages of effective listening:

  • Humility: Recognizing that we don't know everything and that others can offer us valuable knowledge and perspectives.
  • Self-control: Practicing active listening requiring patience and the ability to control impulses to speak or interrupt.
  • Openness to Criticism: Being willing to listen to constructive criticism and feedback as an opportunity to grow and improve.

In conclusion, what a listening spirit produces is transformation. It transforms our relationships, our spiritual understanding, and our personal growth. Matthew 15:10 and Proverbs 1:5 remind us that listening is more than a physical act; It is an exercise in wisdom and understanding. By cultivating a spirit of listening, we not only honor God, but we also position ourselves to receive His blessings and guidance more fully. In a world full of noise and distractions, choosing to listen carefully is an act of faith and wisdom that bears abundant fruit in all areas of our lives.



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