In Spanish, there are two different verbs that mean “to know.” One is used to describe your knowledge of facts (saber). It’s what you know about something versus knowing it personally or intimately, as used with the second verb (conocer).
I was reflecting on this word difference recently – actually when someone used the wrong verb in context. I bristled at the misuse and wanted to remind them of the distinct difference between the two meanings, especially since the context was in reference to God.
But then I paused and turned the tables on myself in reflection. If they were describing my knowledge of God (which they weren’t), which verb would be a more accurate description of my relationship with Him? Do I focus my energy on knowing about Him or knowing Him?
I pass that same question on to you for Wake-up Wednesday – more of an invitation, actually. May we come to know God, personally and intimately, not just strive to know about Him.