Today is Throwback Thursday, so I want to give thanks to God for the blessing of the first IRSM Destination Retreat.
One of the sisters, who attended the retreat at the beginning of October, wrote the following summary. Please join me in giving thanks to God with Stacey Uhlman, who wrote this reflection.
Luke 6:12 – “One of those days Jesus went out to the mountainside to pray and spent the night praying to God.”
Oh how Jesus must have loved His time on that mountain with His Father. Because I know I did. Iron Rose Sister Ministries Destination Retreat 2015 was my chance to spend the night on a mountainside praying to my Father. And oh the things I learned!!
Jeremiah 31:11-14 - For the LORD will ransom Jacob and redeem them from the hand of those stronger than they. They will come and shout for joy on the heights of Zion; they will rejoice in the bounty of the LORD-- the grain, the new wine and the oil, the young of the flocks and herds. They will be like a
well-watered garden, and they will sorrow no more. Then maidens will dance and be glad, young men and old as well. I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow. I will satisfy the priests with abundance, and My people will be filled with My bounty," declares the LORD.
Our theme verses for the weekend. We read them over and over again. So much so that I felt like a maiden dancing with gladness!! I was able to say – and mean it, “God will guide me always! He will satisfy my needs, He alone will strengthen me. I will BE a well watered garden; a spring whose waters never run dry.” - Isaiah 58:11
I learned about the Landscaper – The Big Picture Guy!! My faith has a promise. God has something better landscaped for me so that His will is perfected through me. - Hebrews 11:39-40
Not all the jobs in the Garden are mine!! And not all the jobs required in tending a Garden can be done at one time. “God is the Divine Gardener – the One who provides the growth but we each have a role to plant, water and tend.” – Michelle Goff
Psalm 18:35 – “You make your saving help my shield and Your right hand sustains me. Your help has made me great.”
Your right hand alone is strong, secure. Your right hand is open so I must open my hands to receive You. If my hands are tightly closed where will You reside? I must be willing to “throw” my worries and sins at Your feet and not go and retrieve them. “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God.” – Isaiah 40 (but especially verse 28)
I will give thanks in all circumstances. For all good things whether physical or spiritual, I will say, “His love endures forever.” For all past trials that I have come through, I will say, “His love endures forever.” For every current challenge I am faced with, I will say, “His love endures forever.” – Psalm 136
And I will continue to grow!! Whether my roots are growing down reaching the deep wells or growing sideways just marking time I will breathe out me and breathe in Jesus. I will drink, I will believe so that streams of living water will flow from within me. – John 7:37
And for me personally I learned that women and small groups ARE a blessing!! Sharing, caring, nurturing is what we women do best when we are Christ centered. Ladies, we must grab unto this blessing and not run from it. Strength in numbers!! - Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Time to “Shout for Joy on the Heights of Zion!” For, “He has turned MY mourning into gladness. He has given ME comfort and joy instead of sorrow. He has satisfied ME with abundance and I am filled with His bounty. He has declared that for ME.” – Jeremiah 31:13-14
P.S. The audio from the retreat is still available via Dropbox. And the goodie bag and handout booklet can be ordered as well.