I had helped a friend sort through her closet. She did the same for me before I moved to Denver. It's amazing how we women collect and hold onto things in our closets. We hold onto outfits that made us feel good years ago, even if they are all worn out and outdated. We hold onto outfits that make us feel fat or ugly or sad and we aren't sure why.
What we wear can affect how we feel and how we feel can affect what we wear. I know that on the days when I'm feeling down, I make myself put on waisted pants (no sport shorts or sweatpants) and I put on at least a little mascara and lipstick. It makes me feel more put together and prepares me to face the day.
Clothes can transform us from feeling like a bum to an elegant woman ready for a night out.
How much do we allow our clothes and makeup to affect how we feel as women? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? How can we use it to God's glory and not for worldly affirmation?
The bigger question: How are we transformed when we remember that we are clothed with Christ?