March 20, 1991 was a Wednesday. I remember it clearly and it is forever marked in my calendar and in my heart as the day my sister, Jenn, and I were born again. After church that night, dad baptized us both. When I came up out of the water, we sang "Jesus is Lord," per my request. That moment comes back to me in vivid clarity every time I sing that song. I wanted the song to serve as a reminder of who was Lord of my life from that day forward.
Baptism is compared to birth—a new life formed in Christ (Rom. 6:4). While God can work on our hearts before we submit to him in baptism, the real transformation into his image begins when we die to self and become one with him in baptism, washing away our sins and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).
In honor of Throwback Thursday, look back to the day you were baptized and thank God for the transformation he has made possible since that time.
If you have not yet died to self and put Christ on in baptism, I would love to talk with you about taking that step or putting you in touch with someone in the city you live that can talk with you.