Iron Rose Sister Ministries (IRSM) is a registered 501(c)3 public charity. All donations are tax-deductible. If you would like to designate your funds or make your donation in honor of someone, please let us know!
See our letter to Individuals or to Churches for more information about partnering with us financially.
Donation Options
Monthly donations are crucial to this ministry. Just like your household has a monthly budget based on the amount of income you know you usually have, we are better able to budget and plan ahead when we have expected monthly income.
I'd like to be a monthly donor
I'd like to make a single donation
I'd like to purchase speakers or other needed equipment on the Amazon wish list
How Will Your Donation Be Used?
- Audio, Video, and other resources for churches, women's ministries, and individual women (English, Spanish and bilingual contexts)
- Development of material that equips women to connect to God and one another more deeply
- International shipping and customs for small group Bible study books
- International ticket and internal travel between two countries ($2,500 per trip, 2-3 annually)
- Spreading the word about IRSM at Lectureships ($600 per trip for travel, booth fee, etc.)
- Monthly living expenses that allow Michelle to dedicate herself full-time to speaking, writing, and fulfilling the vision and goals of IRSM
- Staff support to continue supporting the women we equip, and to assist Michelle in her work
- Translation of our resources into Portuguese to reach women in Brazil, Angola and Mozambique
You can also donate frequent flyer miles, buddy passes, etc.
Donation levels for Individuals
These amounts are per year:
- Red Rose Partners $5,000+ a year
- Friendship Rose Partners $2,500+
- White Rose Partners $1,000+
- Iron Rose Partners $500+
- Rosebud Partners <_$500
Iron Rose Sister Ministries is a registered nonprofit, 501(c)(3), that serves under a Board of Directors and in partnership with multiple congregations across the U.S. If you would like to speak with a representative from the Board, or other elders with whom we have worked in the past, please do not hesitate to let us know.
Our Annual Report is available for download. And if you would like a more detailed or more recent financial report and budget, we are happy to make that available.