Mark White

Board Member

Mark gave his life to Christ through a campus ministry at Tennessee Tech University at the Collegeside Church of Christ in Cookeville, TN in January of 1994. After giving his life and now being fired up for the Lord, he worked as a campus intern and youth intern. As the love for ministry grew, he had the opportunity to move to Lubbock and study at Sunset Int’l Bible Institute, where he graduated in 1999 and afterwards finished his degree at Lubbock Christian University in Bible and Ministry. While in Lubbock, he met his wife Juaneylla White (from Recife, Brazil). They married in May of ’99 and have two daughters that were born in Lubbock, Deborah and Barbara.

Mark served as the youth and family minister at Wolfforth Church of Christ from 1999 to 2004. In 2005, they were blessed with a sponsoring congregation in Daingerfield, TX and moved there for six months before leaving to serve as missionaries in the southern part of Brazil. They lived and served there from 2005 to 2017. In 2017, they moved to Daingerfield to serve with the Daingerfield Church of Christ where he serves as Associate Minister. The church has blessed them to continue trips to Brazil to encourage and help the churches in this area.