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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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Yesterday, a friend of mine was heavy on my heart.  I wasn't sure why, but I really felt like I needed to contact her and ask her about the house she and her family are trying to sell.  It was a nagging feeling, but I set it aside since I was in the middle of several other things and couldn't text or call her right then.  I said a prayer on her behalf and proceeded with my day.

Not ten minutes later, I received a text from her asking for prayers for a potential buyer that was coming to look at their house later that day.  Wow.  I was so humbled by the Spirit's urging and so I proceeded to send a quick text to several others who had been on my mind and heart recently - to encourage them and let them know that they continue in my thoughts and prayers.

On this Wake-up Wednesday, who is the Spirit urging you to contact or what is the Spirit urging you to do?  Let's awaken and hear His voice, even if it is not an audible shout or whisper.

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