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Contributing to Growth“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”
Ephesians 4:16

Being part of a church family means you often hear lessons about doing your part in the “one-another-ness.” We are all expected to offer whatever it is we think we can contribute when it comes to serving and giving to others. The church is one body with many parts, right?

As I have worked with various congregations and small groups over the years, I have noticed an area of vulnerability that many people share when it comes to this aspect of spiritual living. Anyone can carve out time for things like reading scripture and prayer. Giving a percentage of your income is easy enough to calculate. But what about when you are expected to give of your own talents? This is where the lies creep in.

One of the biggest lies people in the church allow themselves to believe is: “I don’t have anything to offer.” It is easy to see the strengths, skills, and contributions of others who serve openly and think, “I can’t do anything like that.” We don’t identify the gifts and talents that come naturally as God-given abilities that can and should be used for His glory.

So how do we combat this lie when it creeps in and keeps us from participating as part of the body? The truth is that we each have specific gifts, skills, and strengths to contribute to the body of Christ. Each member is irreplaceable. I love the New Living Translation of Ephesians 4:16:
“As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.”

The body cannot grow if each part is not doing its own special work. My prayer is that each of us will boldly claim the God-given skills and strengths we have been given so that His body may grow to be healthy and full of love.

Take a moment to reflect: What are some of your gifts and talents? How can you encourage your Iron Rose Sisters to use their gifts and talents to contribute to the growth of the body?

*Written by Rachel Baker for Iron Rose Sister Ministries blog, June 2020

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