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Michelle blog English 12.4.2020Over the past few years, the book of Colossians has become my favorite of Paul’s epistles. Things I needed to hear, be reminded of, or had the opportunity to share with others, have come from that book of the New Testament.

For a semester, I facilitated a study of Colossians with some of the Spanish-language students on Wednesday afternoons in the on-campus Starbucks. The young ladies who participated in the study continued to grow in their abilities to facilitate our discussion and expressed growing joy in the discovery of biblical truths through the letter to the church in Colossae.

A memorable quote that came out of our study was, “El Todo, en todo, en todo.” Any time someone said, “Christ,” we would pause until someone responded, “El Todo, en todo, en todo.” It means that Christ is our “Everything, in all things, completely.”

By stirring our memory from past studies, the quote summarized the teachings in Colossians, especially its emphasis on the fullness in Christ, who is our “all.” Nothing can exist without Him. And our lives will never be complete apart from Him.

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. (Col. 1:16-17)

While reading through the four short chapters of Colossians, the various phrases of fullness and totality jump out. In addition to these expressions of completeness, I invite you to focus on the phrases that demonstrate our dependence on Christ. Phrases that include, “in Him, through Him, by Him, with Him,” and others help us rediscover all that God makes possible through His Son. He truly is the center of it all.

For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority. (Col. 2:9-10)

We are filled with His fullness. It is a promise on which we can stand when we are surrounded by the storms of this life…an apt description of the year 2020 for many.

In January, we introduced our theme for the year, “A Part of the Whole.” And as we close out this calendar year filled with many unexpected circumstances, we return to a reminder of true Fullness, the Whole, “El Todo, en todo, en todo.” He is over all and in all and through all (Eph. 4:6) and He invites us into His fullness when we keep our eyes and our faith fixed on Him.

May Christ be our Everything, in all things, completely, for all nations. “El Todo, en todo, en todo,” para toda nación.

How can you be an example of making Christ your Everything in all things, completely? How can you encourage an Iron Rose Sister in that same endeavor?

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