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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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I travel a lot.  And I have a lot of friendships in many places.  I give God the thanks for that blessing.

I also get distracted a lot.  And easily.  Can't you tell from what already appears to be a change of topic?  But it's not.

With as many people and things that call for my attention, it is vitally important for me to dwell in the moment - to be present with whom I'm talking or stay focused on what I'm doing.

Last night, I was reminded of this while at a church activity of the Northwest Church of Christ in Houston.  I was talking with a lady there while I was also trying to respond to my sister via text message.  I realized that I was not present for either of them, so I decided to continue the conversation with the lady with whom I was speaking and then, a short bit later, I was able to take the time to respond to my sister.

How many times has that happened to you?  How can you dwell in the moment on this Transformational Tuesday?


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