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2022 07 Liliana HenríquezWritten by Liliana Henriquez, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Colombia

It is curious to see how God can use ANY person to bless us and fulfill His will. Furthermore, I believe that God delights in exposing all of His creativity in putting together all the pieces of the puzzle of our lives. He encourages encounters, delays encounters, prevents falls, and allows falls… in short, like any artist, He is inspired and makes sure that the masterpiece is unique and special. God delights in the process; He is not in a hurry.

Almost 5 years ago, when my family and I had just moved from Venezuela to Colombia, God put several key people in our path who, despite the fact that they did not profess our same faith, or at least not in the same way, were that Rahab who protected us and "saved" our lives, so to speak. Those people cared for us; they gave us essential things like mattresses, kitchen utensils, sheets, coats, food, among other things to start our new life in Colombia.

When reading the story of Rahab, the first question that comes to mind is this: Why would the spies enter into the house of a prostitute? I mean, the house of someone who apparently did not have the same faith they had.

Would it have been an explicit command of God? Or was it just a coincidence?
I do not know. Maybe the spies didn't know whose house they were hiding in, but I'm sure God did.

This is one of those chance encounters that God allows for His great purpose to happen. The spies found in Rahab a woman who knew Jehovah and Rahab found in the spies a confirmation of the God she had already been hearing about. This meeting allowed Him to affirm: “…The Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below” (Josh. 2:11b NIV).

I wonder, what would have happened to the lives of the spies if they had not found Rahab. Perhaps the king would have caught them.

What would have become of Rahab's spiritual life had she not met the spies? Perhaps she would not have had a chance to be redeemed.

What would have happened to me and my family if we had not found those special people who helped us in our beginnings as immigrants? Perhaps it would have cost us much more to make a life in this country.

Let's not underestimate the chance encounters we have throughout our lives; we don't know if they are an angel sent by God to bless us.

Dear sister, today I want you to remember that our lives are a beautiful symphony of God, composed of different rhythms and melodies that avoid monotony and boredom; and encourage dependence and devotion to God. Let's fully enjoy this experience called LIFE, with all the kinds of encounters it can bring.

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