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What do you do when you have a puppy that won't come? We got our dog from a friend of a friend who needed a home for a 6 month old poodle schnauzer mix. As soon as we got him I called him Sweet Pea and my youngest daughter made it stick. The dog on the other hand didn't. He didn't respond to the name. We tried everything. Yesterday he ran out the door as I was trying to get a wasp out and would not return. The more we went after and called the farther he ran. I was so upset that he didn't listen to his name. Last night I looked in books and googled galore but didn't come up with anything. This morning I had one last trick. I tried his old name, Teddy. The name that he was called by the people we got him from. It worked. My children witnessed it. Even though we have had this dog for about three months, we have to change his name back.

Makes me think of when I am called by God. He calls my name. How powerful it is when I am called back to him. Am I listening? Am I hearing the name that I can obey and trust or am I being called by other names and finding worth in other things? Am I labeled by other for what they want to call me and not the true name that God has for me? The bible says a lot about the names of God and the names of his children. Here is one of my favorite examples -

Isaiah 49:1 "Listen to me, all of you in far-off lands: The Lord called me before my birth. From within the womb he called me by my name."

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