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Last night, one of my favorite shows started on NBC: The Sing-Off. It's an acapella singing competition. I continue to enjoy the music of past winners. Pentatonix (most recent winner) has a Christmas song, Little Drummer Boy, that has gone viral in recent weeks. 
I mention this show in the context of this blog since I come from a church background with acapella-only singing: the Churches of Christ. For many, the identity of the churches of Christ comes more from what it is not than what it is.  "Oh, that's the church that doesn't have instruments." True, but such a shallow perspective of who we are or strive to be as the body of Christ. 
The challenge for this Transformational Tuesday is that you strive to be defined by who you are and not by what you're not. You are a beloved child of God. You are not a comparison to what anyone else is, has accomplished, or will be able to give or do for Christmas this year.


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