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2022 12 Marbella Written by Marbella Parra, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Honduras

In the course of our lives, we find many promises that lead us to put our trust in someone, based on something happening in the future. There are promises we make to other people, and promises that have been made to us. Some have been fulfilled and others, on the contrary, have been forgotten. For this reason, we decide if we can trust someone or not since, after someone hasn’t fulfilled their promise, we are more careful with that person the next time.

We can surely think of many different opportunities in which we hoped in something that never happened and moments in which we felt let down because they have failed us. However, I am sure that we have also had many moments in which a promise has confirmed that we are with the right person and, at the same time, our confidence in that person grows.

If we had the opportunity to put our full trust in someone that will never fail us, that ideal person is definitely God. There is no doubt that He is the greatest example we have of faithfulness to His word. From the creation of the world, He has fulfilled all the promises He has made. The history of God’s people allows us to realize the plan that He has for the salvation of the world and the blessings for His people. In middle of that whole story, we can note the special love that God shows for humanity and how everything He does is in fulfilment of the promise that one day humans will be able to enjoy a better world—a perfect world together with Him for eternity. To that end, He promised to send a Savior, His Son Jesus Crist. This promise can be seen from the Old Testament and we can also see how each word was fulfilled in the New Testament, a promise so great that it reaches all the nations of the Earth.

In the gospel of Matthew, one can see how God’s plan was realized, shown through the genealogy of Jesus and the important role each person had, at their time, and how each one was used by God to fulfill His word. In chapter 1, it is highlighted in this way,

“All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”)” (Matt. 1:22-23).

These words remind us that the Lord has always been present and has shown His love for humanity. Through the incarnation of Christ, one of His most important promises was fulfilled. Even more interesting is that this promise is confirmed again at the end of Matthew. In Matthew 28:20, it says,

“…and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Twice it is stated that He is with us, and we already know that the word of God is trustworthy. We can be certain that everything that God has prepared and has promised previously will be fulfilled.

Now, the question we must ask ourselves is, are we willing to trust in Him unconditionally? If He is the one who has shown, since the beginning of the world, that He wants what is best for us, that He wants to grant us salvation, and that He wants us to be with Him for eternity, are we willing to be faithful to Him no matter what our circumstances? He does not promise us a rosy, easy life in this world. So, without considering the disillusions that we have faced, or that we will have to face while we are on this earth, are we clinging to Him, trusting that He has better things prepared for us?

It doesn’t matter how many people have failed their promises, we have complete confidence that we have a God who never lies and has made us beautiful promises. We need to not allow difficult things in life to cause us to forget what is waiting for us in eternal life. Rather, we should remember that the Lord is with us, guiding our steps, lifting us up when needed and taking our hand to lead us forward.

He is giving us unconditional love every day. If we continue to be faithful, trusting that everything we believe has not been in vain, and that an incorruptible crown is waiting for us in the presence of our Lord. In the same way that God fulfills His promises, we also should be faithful to the commitment we have made to our heavenly Father until the end of our days.

And you, do you trust in the Lord’s promises?

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