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PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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“First you make a roux.”  That was the sentence that most defined my memory of the preparation of gumbo, a Louisiana soup/stew that warms the body and the soul.

This past week, with all of the sub-zero temperatures we had been having and a season in which we often remember those that we know and love, I made a pot of gumbo in honor of my Louisiana family and friends – and for my own tasty benefit!

For me, it was a venison and turkey gumbo and with every bite came the memory of gumbo lovingly made by others who even took my special diet restrictions into consideration.

While I could spark a debate about whose grandma (or grandpa) has the best gumbo recipe or what should or shouldn’t go into a true pot of gumbo, I will suffice it to say that gumbo is as much about family and tradition as it is about what goes in it.

What is one of your favorite winter-time meals that warms body and soul?

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