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Written by Johanna Zabala, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Ecuador 2023 02 Johanna Zabala

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (I Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV)

It is comforting to live according to what is set out in this passage, since the joy of the Lord is our strength through today's trials.

I believe that constant prayer goes deep within us, living out the desire to be in communication with, and linked to, the Power of God at all times. Then that communication and intimacy with God through prayer becomes a full part of us that truly unites us with Him.

Knowing how to be thankful for everything, whether good or bad, teaches, serves, and helps us to grow in faith, remembering what Romans 8:28 says.  And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

When we see both the will of God and ours, we know they must be intertwined with the Holy Spirit because the Heavenly Father wants to give us the best; and what is best for us is edification, as 1 Corinthians 10:23 says. Living in the will of God builds the character of Christ in each one of us, and that is why it should be a priority to seek His perfect will through absolute communication with the Maker of Life.

I faithfully believe that prayer will bring perfect and essential intimacy with the Heavenly Father, that communication with others will be achieved, and that we will radiate Christ through our faith and dedication as indicated in Galatians 2:20.

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Knowing and loving the Lord, and as a follower of Christ, His teachings on prayer are of great inspiration to me. In Luke 22:42 NLT, the Lord Himself says, “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” We see here that although on many occasions our will is different than the will of God, we must seek the Lord’s will every day. In times of tribulation, His will is perfect and we will only understand it and make it a reality when we are in constant communication with Him.

Everything Jesus did to save us certainly was not easy for Him; but His immense love, obedience, and faith led Him to fulfill the will of the Father and not His own as a human.

Another great prayer inspiration for me is Hannah, Samuel's mother, as described in 1 Samuel chapter 1, verses 1-28. Hannah, full of faith in her heart, was constant and very specific in her prayers. She ultimately received her desired answer—having a child—despite her advanced age and sterility, then offered him to the service of God in gratitude for the favor granted.

On this earth, through the Holy Spirit that unites us, many brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus teach us to be unwavering servants of faith through prayers to God.

Today, I remember, with great admiration and respect, Sister Carmen Franco, a reverent, faithful, and fervent woman of prayer. Sister Carmen grew up in a Christian home, describing her life as one full of great battles. Even so, she obtained material blessings, but more importantly, spiritual blessings.

One day in 2017, as she was praying about her need to meet with the Lord's church but not knowing where to go, some members of the Church of Christ La Mesa de Los Indios, in Mérida, Venezuela, knocked on her door and invited her to their worship service. She accepted their invitation. When she attended, she arrived with a heart full of gratitude because her prayers had been answered.

Beloved Sister Carmen never stopped meeting with the congregation. Even during the pandemic, she continued to attend. She would say, “God with us, nothing against us.” She was vigilant, following Covid guidelines when attending all gatherings. Her valuable example is inspirational because she was praying each time we visited her. She taught us to strengthen, as a Christian family, the need for prayer as a means of daily communication with the Lord, through every circumstance. She always prayed for everything and everyone. Without a doubt, Sister Carmen Franco inspired us with her commitment to prayer.

Although her living conditions were sparce, she was constantly grateful and shared what the Lord gave her. Hers was a house of prayer; she lifted everything to the Father.

Sister Carmen went to be with the Lord on December 31, 2021, praying and praising the King of Kings, who answered her prayers for a peaceful end.

Dear sisters, let us be women of prayer with hearts full of faith. Will we be willing to pray without ceasing?

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