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Sadia MoralesWritten by Sadia Morales, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Mexico

Has your life been full of confusion? Have you come to feel so confused that you have had to run to your room or someplace where you could be alone? In that place, have you felt as if you were sitting under a juniper tree where you just wanted to die; where you cry so much that you fall asleep tired, exhausted, afraid, with many lies rolling around in your head and in your heart?

On one of those days, I received a message that filled my life with confusion—a confusion that caused me to flee into the darkness of the night where only lies, fear, and tears accompanied me.

A great confusion seized me... just like Elijah in that desert. Do you know the story? He was confused even though he had come from many victories, victories in which he showed the power of God. Elijah came to feel this way in 1 Kings chapter 18.

Many of us, despite many victories won, arrive in the desert on day one of our journey through a time of confusion and sit down under the juniper tree just wishing to die (1 Kings 19:4-18). We eventually fall asleep, and while we rest, God works. But many times, instead of resting and letting God work, we do the opposite. Many times, we work without stopping so we do not allow ourselves to feel. But really, we must stop to rest (Ps. 46:10).

It is in those moments when God Himself will send angels to pick you up and tell you, “Eat.” It can be your husband, your children, your family, your friends, your acquaintances, or God Himself giving you the strength to get up and eat and drink so that you are able to go back to bed for the rest needed to continue your journey. And again, the angel will touch you saying, “Get up and eat, woman, because a long road awaits you.”

That physical food, as well as spiritual, will strengthen us to take the road to Horeb, the mountain of God. It took Elijah 40 days and 40 nights to get there. And you? How long have you been in this fight where lies overwhelm you, where you feel persecuted, where you fear for your life, and you continue to hide in a cave of fear or shame because a tragedy or some message or news brought confusion to your life and you don’t know how to get out or what to do?

You may have been in the cave for a long time, but today, Jehovah your God says to you, “Daughter, what are you doing in here?” Go outside and stand on the mountain before Jehovah, for Jehovah your God always passes by; He has always been there. Just go out to see Him. But first sharpen your physical and spiritual senses, because a great and powerful wind will blow through the mountains and break the rocks. And just as it was for Elijah, Jehovah will not be in the wind. And after the wind, an earthquake will pass, but Jehovah will not be in the earthquake. And after the earthquake, a fire will pass, but Jehovah will not be in the fire.

Life itself is full of confusion. It may tear us, break us.

Perhaps our problems make us feel that we are at the center of an earthquake, or in the midst of a troubling situation we feel a suffocating fire that does not let us breathe. It seems like that fire will consume us. But today I tell you, He is a God of peace. He will arrive! Of course, He will come, just as He came to Elijah in a gentle and delicate wind. Elijah heard it, covered his face, and went to the door of the cave. Then a voice came to him whispering, “What are you doing here, _____?” (add your name).

Jehovah tells you, “Go my daughter. Go back to your path— you still have a lot to do.” “Keep all the things I have commanded you. I will be with you every day, until the end of the world." Amen (Matt. 28:20).

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