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Claudia PerezWritten by Claudia Perez, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Alabama

God's Word tells us, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God" (Php. 4:6 ESV).

We live in a world where we find ourselves in different situations. Many times, the burdens of this life absorb us, and we fall into anxiety and worry. These burdens and anxieties often lead us away from our primary purpose, which is to glorify our God and fellowship with Him.

Throughout my life, I have had moments of blessings, happiness, and joy. The Lord blessed me with work, life, and health. Sadly and shamefully, I confess that in those moments, I sometimes forgot to cry out to God. I was very busy with my work responsibilities and the affairs of this life to the point of allowing physical and mental exhaustion to get in the way of my communion with God through prayer.

Three years ago, while hospitalized, I went through a rough patch and learned that God was not my 911 emergency number. I must confess that, in those moments, many thoughts invaded my mind. Satan filled me with fear and dread. I decided to start praying and these verses of hope came to mind, verses I had read many times before: "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Php. 1:21), "I can do all things through him who strengthens me" (Php. 4:13).

Due to my circumstances, anxiety was invading my mind. As flesh, we will inevitably go through situations like this. The important thing is that in those moments, we remember the Lord's promises and ask for His will to be done in us. This is the difficult part because truthfully, our spirit wills it, but our fleshly weakness gets in the way.

We are afraid to submit ourselves to God's will. It is here that the struggle of the spirit and the flesh comes into play. But it is here, sisters, that we must use the most powerful weapon we have to overcome our flesh: prayer. It is through prayer that our spirit finds peace and we have full communion with our God. In difficult times, we may think no one listens to us, and our faith often fails. However, it is important to remember God's promise, "Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known" (Jer. 33:3).

But is it only in those difficult moments that prayer should be an active part of our lives? What does the Bible say about giving thanks? In moments of joy, wellbeing, and peace, we neglect to raise prayers of thanksgiving to God. God wants us to cry out to Him in every situation in our lives.

The best example of prayer in any situation was shown to us by the Master. Our Lord prayed at all times and in every situation. He always entrusted Himself to the Father in prayer, asking for His guidance to do His will and thus glorify Him.

Sisters, when we understand this, we will understand the great privilege we have through prayer. Apart from communicating directly with the Father through Jesus Christ our Lord, we will also glorify Him. It is in prayer that we submit our will fully to His will so that His purpose will be fulfilled in us, and His name glorified through our lives. God always cares for us when we abandon our will and entrust ourselves to Him. Remember what the apostle Peter says, "…casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you" (1Pe. 5:7).

Beloved sisters, in this world we will face different situations. It is my desire that in any situation we pray and cry out to the One who desires the best for us. Are you willing to submit your will to the Father's? Are you willing to wait and trust the Lord always, no matter the circumstances?

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