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Beliza KocevWritten by Beliza Kocev, Brazil Coordinator for Iron Rose Sister Ministries

“…I was pouring out my soul to the Lord.” (1 Sa. 1:15b NIV)

Imagine something you really want. Now imagine that in addition to really wanting it, people expect it of you. On top of that, they think there is something wrong with you because you don’t have what you “should.” Imagine having someone make fun of you for this.

This was the life of Hannah. Her name means “favored,” which seems ironic in a time when infertility was shameful, not only for the woman, but also for the family. And on top of dealing with the pain of infertility, she was humiliated by Peninnah, her husband Elkanah’s other wife (1 Sa. 1:6). Peninnah’s provocations distressed Hannah. She would cry and not eat.

Every year Elkanah went with his wives to Shiloh, where there was a temple. And the story repeated itself every year: go to the temple, be provoked by Peninnah, cry, stop eating, and despite her husband’s attempt to comfort her, remain in the same condition (1 Sa. 1:7-8). He would try to satisfy her with good treatment, even being more generous with Hannah than with Peninnah, but he didn’t understand Hannah’s pain.

We don’t know how many years this process repeated itself. But throughout all of this, Hannah continued to share her anguish and pain with God. In one of these journeys to Shiloh, “Hannah got up. She was deeply distressed, and she cried bitterly as she prayed to the Lord” (1 Sa. 1:10 GNT). Hannah got up! Before the pain and anguish, the humiliation and the sadness, like Hannah, we need to seek God, as it is only Him who can give us relief and comfort our hearts. Often, there are times that we will not be able to get up on our own. For this reason, it is so important that we have sisters close to us to share our pain and to battle with us in prayer.

One of the interesting things about Hannah’s prayer is that she was specific in her request. Hannah knew herself, and she had a clear understanding of what she longed in anguish for. She knew exactly what she wanted from God and made it clear that if her prayer was answered, she would dedicate her child to the Lord (1 Sa. 1:11).

When Eli the priest saw her, he thought she was drunk because she was only moving her lips as she prayed (1 Sa. 1:13-14). She explained her situation and shared the affliction that she was feeling. Eli responded: “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him” (1 Sa. 1:17 NIV).

After this prayer and the conversation with Eli, Hannah fed herself and her face even changed and became more expressive (1 Sa. 1:18). Hannah returned home and got pregnant! Imagine her joy! Have you ever received a blessing for which you had waited a long time? Remember your joy to get something that you waited for, prayed for, and asked of God, pouring out your heart? “I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him” (1 Sa. 1:27).

Hannah fulfilled her vow. After Samuel was weaned, she took him to the temple. She received the long-awaited blessing, but remembered that everything we have should be used for the Kingdom of God. After the humiliation, shame, and anguish, she was able to sing and praise with thanksgiving for the grace she received. She proclaimed out loud what the Lord did. “There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God” (1 Sa. 2:2).

Hannah’s example teaches us the important lesson of how prayer is a powerful weapon: bending our knees and lifting our voices to God is something Jesus taught us and gave as an example. We should persevere in prayer!

Hannah’s was a bitter prayer that created within her a deep realization of her need to seek God. It was a prayer committed to consecrating to the Lord the blessing she received. We live in difficult times. May the Holy Spirit help us, like Hannah, persevere in prayer and remember our commitment to God.

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