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Liliana 2Written by Liliana Henriquez, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Colombia

I'm one of those people who, when they like a song, listen to it a thousand times throughout the day (or several days) until it doesn't excite them anymore. I can literally search on YouTube: "An hour of... (title of the song)" and play it all day long. It becomes the first and only song I listen to for a long time. It becomes the soundtrack or the main song of my day (or days) and I enjoy it very much.

This reminds me of when we decide to obey the gospel and get baptized. Converting ourselves to Christ and everything that has to do with the church is our priority. We are excited to learn the lyrics to all the hymns we sing at service, attend all church activities, read the whole Bible, and know all the verses. We are passionate about Jesus!

How wonderful it would be if we maintained that same passion for the rest of our lives as Christians!

As expected, life goes on, and with it comes new decisions, challenges, and stages such as marriage, children, new jobs, university studies, travel, migration... and generally, these tend to diminish the passion for Jesus that we felt at the beginning. I don't mean that we stop loving Jesus or being His disciples; I mean that the cares of life are sometimes so heavy and challenging that they distract us from what is important, to such an extent that we could make the grave mistake of giving them the first place that only God deserves.

You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me. (Ex 20:4-5 NIV, emphasis added)

As I read this passage, I am struck by these three words:

"MAKE": It leads me to understand that anything taking the place of God is an idol that we ourselves have the power to create.

"BOW DOWN": Everything we idolize causes us to take on an attitude of submission. Therefore, we yield our will to that idol.

"WORSHIP": We respect and give a place of preeminence to what we put first.

It's important to remember that we have a jealous God and we need to be very aware of that. He wants us to seek Him, to choose Him, to worship Him above anything else created in the world. Our life is hidden with Christ in God (Col 3:3) and we are to honor only Him.

I invite you to ask yourself: Is God the theme song of my life today?

I hope so. He is our King.

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