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PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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I grew up hearing a quote from Martin Luther (not MLK, Jr) that went something like “I have so much to do today, I can spend no less than three hours praying before getting started.”  That is a great thought, but I am not so disciplined in my prayer life or in my day-to-day life to follow that practice.

Last Sunday night, with the Iron Rose Sister Ministries group here in Brighton, this quote came up: "Well, when you spend one hour a day adoring your Lord and never do anything which you know to be wrong… you will be fine!" (Mother Teresa from the book Discernment by Henri Nouwen).

Someone’s immediate response was “Well, I’ll be fine for that hour!”  We all laughed at the honesty of that statement, but then I continued to reflect on what that means for me on a daily basis.

Mornings are hard for me.  I often don’t sleep well, so it takes me a good chunk of time in the mornings to get my brain in gear, my clumsiness in check, and my words in order; which is why I’ve always done my prayer journaling and quiet time with God at night.  That way I’m giving Him my best.

However, as many racing thoughts and anxious feelings have been more overwhelming than normal, especially as I awaken, I am convicted to spend more morning time in prayer as well.  I trust that it will be transformational.


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