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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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I have always gone back to writing as a way of processing the world, expressing thoughts, talking to God, or sharing ideas.  Even in elementary school, I would make up little songs that I would then sing at the top of my lungs while swinging on the swing set.  Often the songs or other writings were far from profound, but they were formative.

My 8th grade creative writing teacher encouraged us to put pen to paper or finger to keys and just start writing.  Her encouragement fostered what was already a passion and a love of mine.

In high school, by a few people, I was known as the letter writer because of the letters I would write them as a way of processing some difficult situations during those challenging years.  It was also around that time when I began writing in a prayer journal - a practice I still have to this day.

In college, I found a friend with whom we discussed what we would title our first book: Pedestals.  With other friends in college and beyond, I continued to share poems, songs, and other musings.

I am thrilled to be able to soon share with each of you the 1st of the Iron Rose Sister Ministries Bible Study books: Human AND Holy and also Humano Y Santo.  And today, on the day I'm somewhat impatiently awaiting the proof copy of the book, I will process my impatience through writing and bringing you along in the journey.  Thanks for joining with me!


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