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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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"He's still working on me,

To make me what I ought to be.

It took Him just a week to make the moon and stars,

The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars.

How loving and patient He must be

'Cuz He's still working on me."

I don't know if you know that simple children's song, but I have it in my head tonight and wanted to share.  I thank God constantly for His patience with me and that He allows me to be a continual work in progress.  God calls us to change and gives us the freedom to leave behind our old ways, seek Him, and be transformed.  Some days I feel like God has to work a little harder on that transformation, but I'm grateful that He never gives up on me.  May You be comforted by that promise and the hope that you are still a work in progress - one that God will never give up on.

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