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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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On Monday, September 30th, my nephew, Kadesh Austin Edwards will be one year old.  His grandparents, an aunt and a cousin on his dad's side arrived last night.  The rest of our family (except one brother-in-law), is here or will be here within the next 24 hours.  I know that years from now, Kadesh will not remember any of this.  He will have many iPhone pictures and even a few videos chronicling the time, but what matters most is that he will continue to feel loved, surrounded by family and friends.

We have thanked Kadesh for having a birthday and offering us the opportunity to gather together and celebrate family and life.  How can you celebrate family and life this weekend?


[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="480.0"]Kadesh helping while mom makes his birthday cake Kadesh helping while mom makes his birthday cake[/caption]
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