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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

IRSM is a 501(c)(3), so donations are tax-deductible.

2013 was quite a year for Iron Rose Sister Ministries and for me personally as well.  On this first Throwback Thursday of the New Year, I would like to take a moment to list, in no particular order, many things for which I was thankful in 2013, specifically related to Iron Rose Sister Ministries.

  • A blessed transition out of local ministry and a move to Denver, Colorado, for the launch of this new bilingual global ministry!
  • The books Human AND Holy, Humano Y Santo written, published, and distributed in 10 US states and 11 countries (not counting the US)
  • A supportive and prayerful Board of Directors (Katie, Kim, Cynthia, Daniel & Ron)
  • Iron Rose Sister examples being lived out with the women on the Board of Directors and many other Iron Rose Sister friends and supporters across the world
  • The opportunity to answer God's calling that He use a humble servant like myself to touch lives across two continents through writing, teaching, and serving - all in an effort to equip, inspire, and empower each of you to do as He has called you to do through His Spirit
  • IRSM conferences, retreats, or seminars in Baton Rouge, Houston, Venezuela, and Denver with plans for many more in 2014
  • Completing all the paperwork as a registered non-profit business in Colorado (no small feat!)
  • Seeing God use Human AND Holy to speak His truth and message of hope to others
  • Women connecting more deeply to God and one another through Human AND Holy studies
  • God speaking through me to challenge and encourage women at the various conferences
  • Prayerful and financial supporters like you!


The process of typing this list is a humbling exercise in perspective and God's provision.  May we all continue to trust Him to work in and through us as individuals, as a body, and as Iron Rose Sister Ministries.


What are you thankful for in 2013?


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