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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

IRSM is a 501(c)(3), so donations are tax-deductible.

Please forgive my occasional absence from blogging world over the past ten days.  After putting over 1800 miles on a rental car, I am glad to be home, but technology issues prevented me from keeping in touch with you as I have been through daily blogging.

Starting on Sunday, I will be even more out of pocket and disconnected from the world.  I covet your prayers.  I will be taking a technology fast of sorts while I spend 5 days at a cabin in the mountains for concentrated prayer and writing time for the 2nd book.  Some have teased that I won’t be able to survive 5 hours much less 5 days without my phone (no cell service) or internet.  I trust that God will fill those empty spaces and humble me through the recognition of how great He is.

The 2nd book is called Who has the last Word? Cutting through Satan’s lies with the Truth of God’s Word.  Any lies you know that need cutting through?  I’d love your input and appreciate your prayers!

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