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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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Yesterday afternoon, I spoke with a friend who will be leading a Spanish-speaking Iron Rose Sister group through the first lesson in Human AND Holy here in Denver today.  She was nervous about how well she would do and wanted to make sure she had all the right answers since she was going to be the teacher.

After a brief conversation, asking her more questions than I answered, I reminded her that she is not being asked to teach the class as an expert.  She has been called to allow God to use her, as a human being with her unique gifts, talents, and perspective, in a holy way through guiding the discussion in the first lesson.   Just as the first chapter reminds us, being holy is not about being perfect, it’s about being set apart for God’s purpose and glory.

It was a joy to hear the freedom in her voice at recognizing that God is longing to use her unique human qualities in a holy way – not that He is expecting her to be perfect.  It’s amazing what God can do when we allow Him to use our imperfections.

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