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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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My bed is quite comfortable and whether I am sleeping, reading, or writing on my iPad, I enjoy the comforts afforded by my strategically-placed pillows propped on my broken-in mattress, with my legs tucked under the Target comforter and the quilt my Grandpa's mother made.

When I am settled in to write or to sleep, it can take a herculean effort to get me out of bed.  At night, I've come up with any excuse to wait until morning to take care of something I remember - that's what reminders in your phone are for, right?  And if I am warm and snuggled in for the night, even the effort to reach over and turn out the lamp seems like it would qualify as an extreme sport.

However, the other night, as I was settling in, I saw a spider on the wall.  It took me all of two seconds to debate between the shoe across the room and the book on my nightstand as the appropriate instrument of attack.  I was out of bed in an instant and the spider was disposed of in a timely manner, allowing me to quell the inspiration of spiders for my creative dreams that night.

You may not have trouble getting out of bed like I do, but what motivates you to get up and go?  To do what needs to be done?  To face the day ahead?  Or fulfill your responsibilities?

A thought to consider on this Wake-up Wednesday.

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