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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600.0"]Becky, Michelle, & Pam Becky, Michelle, & Pam[/caption]

This past weekend, one of my college roommates, Becky, came to Denver with her family (husband and three kids).  One of my other college roommates, Pam, her husband and their four kids live in Greeley (about an hour north of Denver).  And the final of the four roommates, Mandy, lives in North Carolina with her husband and daughter.  Mandy was very disappointed she wasn't able to join us this past weekend.

Every time I get with any of these three ladies and their families, I am blessed to spend time with people that know and love me - that have known me from early on in my spiritual journey.  We remember those fun times in college, but we also honor and recognize where God has brought us to at this stage in life: a place that is unique for each of us.

Who can you honor today wherever they find themselves on their journey?

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