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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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Sunday morning, I planned to worship with the Northside Church of Christ in Wichita, KS. They are the church that coordinated the Women Walking With God Conference at which Iron Rose Sister Ministries had a booth this past weekend. They also sponsor my good friend and missionary, Jonathan Hanegan in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

However, the weather had other plans. A winter storm in April was coming. High winds and snow across west Kansas and eastern Colorado promised to create challenging road conditions and unsafe driving if I waited to leave until after church.

I was disappointed to not have the opportunity to worship with my brothers and sisters in Wichita, but wisdom prevailed and I hit the road, arriving safely in Denver in time to meet with the house church group here in Brighton.

Part way down the road, feeling sleepy and wondering if I would’ve been able to stay for worship, I stopped for gas and found a local Christian radio station. I don’t remember any of the specific songs that came on the radio, but I will never forget the moment and spirit of worship and communion with God driving across I-70.

Transformational Tuesday reminds me of the transformational worship I experienced on Sunday. May you also experience a moment of transformational worship this week.

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