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The Passover meal was celebrated by Jesus and his disciples on Thursday night, but I waited until Food and Family on Fridays to share the following reflection with you.

Jesus and the 12 apostles had become like family.  They ate, slept, walked, talked, laughed and learned together during the three years of Jesus’ ministry.  Think of it as an extended road trip without convenient showers or your own pillow.  They were most definitely bonded and had developed a depth of relationship like family.

Now take yourself to the night of the Last Supper, the night before He was betrayed and reflect on the opportunity to break the bread and share the cup together for one last time before Jesus’ death.  Even though Jesus had told them what was to come, I don’t think any of them appreciated the significance of that moment until the Holy Spirit reminded them of it later.

As you share a meal together with your Christian family this Sunday, take a moment to reflect on the significance of the moment in which we break the bread and drink the cup together as family, proclaiming the Lord’s death AND His resurrection until He comes again.

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