Last week, my parents traveled to Denver for a visit during mom's spring break. It was a great opportunity to reconnect as a family and to spend time with their only grandson.
Through the wonders of modern technology, Kadesh knows who Pops and Gigi are, even when they are far away. The memories made when they are able to see each other are all the more special.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="360.0"]For food and family on Fridays, I thought it appropriate to share with you a picture from this past week of Kadesh with Pops, asking if "please" (in sign language), he can watch another video on his phone. And also a picture exchanging kisses with Gigi.
Side note - Please keep me and the sisters from various Spanish-speaking congregations around Washington DC in your prayers this weekend. We will be sharing in a special day tomorrow, studying about "CHRISTian Relationships."