I have had the blessing and opportunity to travel the world, meet many people, observe other cultures, and learn from the experiences. One of the things I most appreciate about travel is seeing how big our God is. He is not limited by culture, language, borders, or backgrounds. The truths in Scripture transcend those differences and God’s Word powerfully communicates in all languages and cultural contexts.
I encourage you to allow God to conduct some of your spiritual training in multiple contexts. Step out of your comfort zone and worship with a different cultural group here in the United States. Travel to another country and allow God to use you in a new place in new ways. Walk across the street and talk to your neighbor that you don’t think you have anything in common with. Smile and say “God bless you” to the person that checks you out at the grocery store. Allow God to stretch you that you may grow spiritual muscles you haven’t used before. You will be blessed by the endeavor. I promise!
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For Throwback Thursday, I will include a picture of one of my spiritual training partners in Caracas, Venezuela, Fabiola de Gómez. We have been texting a lot this week, praying over each other and the ways in which God continues to train and shape us into His image for His glory and the work in His kingdom.