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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

IRSM is a 501(c)(3), so donations are tax-deductible.

Iron Rose Sister Ministries is growing and expanding!  What an exciting time!  What an exhausting time!

Last week, I was feeling especially overwhelmed as I considered all I still needed to do in prep for three upcoming speaking engagements and several trips.  The list seemed to grow more than shrink with every item I checked off as completed.

It was leaving me emotionally and mentally drained, which meant I couldn’t even concentrate on what I needed to do to keep moving forward with it all.

A friend reminded me, “God has gotten you this far.  He won’t leave you hanging.  He will provide what is needed for you and for the ministry to keep moving forward.  Just leave it all at the Father’s feet.”

I spent some extra time in prayer that night laying it all at the Father’s feet.  Items were not magically checked off my list, but I did feel a sense of peace moving forward with the task at hand.

God’s got this.  And He’s got you too.

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