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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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I was a senior in college, ready to take on the world, when I felt God calling me to be a missionary – specifically to move to north Bogotá, Colombia, and participate in a church plant there.  I never came to live in Bogotá full-time, but I was there for the first meeting of the congregation in north Bogotá in March 2000, for their first anniversary, and on countless other occasions between 2000 and 2006.  I have not been back to visit Bogotá or any of the congregations there since before I moved back to the US from Venezuela and I am very excited to share with the sisters there this weekend for a seminar on communication.

For this Throwback Thursday, I will share with you this photo of that first trip to Bogotá when the north Bogotá congregation was started.

Pictured: Bob Brown (top), Michelle J. Goff, ____, Rafael, Sonia and Andrés Valderrama

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