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(written by guest writers - Katie and Jeff Forbess)

We have been in Baton Rouge for almost a week now and I must say that the Forbess family has already had quite a culinary experience.  One of the most interesting was to go to the Asian Seafood Market.  The kids were told they could each pick what they would like to try and we would get it for them.  You can see where this is going.  Jugee, 9 yrs., showed her  personality clearly by knowing exactly what she wanted to get, seaweed, and then when her little sister, 3 yrs., had to have the same thing, she “let” her get it and picked a large container of after dinner cookies to share with everyone.  Maly picked what looked liked puffed fish with packaging that said, “snack” on it and looked liked puffy chips.  Fortunately the lady at the counter said that it was for making fish and not for snacking so he was able to pick something else.  He picked dehydrated mango as a snack.  I picked a sesame honey candy in a large flat circle and Jeff picked dumplings for dinner.

With each selection we had shown how God can work through our likes and personalities to contribute something unique to the body.  Juji demonstrated first of all an ability to make decisions quickly without agonizing over the outcome and then being able to show patience, maturity and understanding by letting her little sister have what she actually had wanted.  Mali showed a willingness to try new things, learn from mistakes and then continue forward.  Lali showed how the little ones among us are always watching the older ones looking for an example to follow and the important role that the more mature have regarding putting forth a good example and having patience with those less mature in the faith.  I demonstrated my good taste and ability to enjoy myself even when it comes to food, (out of everything we chose I think my choice had to be the tastiest).  Finally, Jeff showed his practical side by choosing dumplings, (jiaozi) that would serve as our dinner that evening. 

The Lord works in a similar way.  He asks us to live as a family.  From time to time there is going to be a little sister who insists in having what is not hers and it gives everyone else an opportunity to show patience.  From time to time there is going to be a little brother who makes the wrong choice and it gives others a chance to correct him in love and give him the chance to make a new choice.  From time to time an older sister will have the opportunity to show patience with her little sisters and choose to budge on the little things so that unity amongst the family is preserved.  There is going to be an older sister who knows that life is short and it must be lived to the fullest and have a little fun.  There is also going to be an older brother, perhaps a little stodgy but who nevertheless is thinking of the future needs of the family and makes decisions on that basis.  So today as you go about your business let God use your likes and personality to his glory and appreciate the unique things your brothers and sisters in Christ also bring to the table J.

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