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Written by Angela Myers, missionary to Sucre, Bolivia

Hebrews 3:13- 15  "But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sins deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end. As has just been said: 'Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion' "

In the last article I left off saying to give God a chance to participate in today. Obviously the verse from Hebrews plays into that. The writer of Hebrews really plays up the word "today" in chapter 3. He doesn't give generalities, but forces us to think of today and if we are being attentive to God's voice. It's easy for us to give ourselves a break since we did something for God last week, or yesterday, or just sometime in our past. Have you ever asked a person if they have heard God speaking to them today? Some people will think you’re crazy, some seem to have never even considered it before. Very few can give you a straight yes or no. Honestly that is sad because it needs to be a question that we ask ourselves daily. "What has God said to me today?"

Transformation comes from God. He is the only one who can break through all the layers and get to the foundation where we need changes. He's the only one who can really make the changes. A way that God gets to the places where He can work is by us listening to Him daily. The ability to listen to God is based on our willingness to ask Him questions, or let Him ask us the questions, and of our willingness to act aftershave we listen. A good way of starting is to see who God wants you to encourage today (verse 13) so that our hearts will be more open to hearing God's voice.

Who can you encourage today? God does speak to us. We just have to practice training our ears to listen.

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