As you've noticed, this week's posts have been inspired by my time on the farm with family. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to make that trip and am honored to have been blessed with a loving, supportive Christian family on both sides. Don't get any illusions - we're not perfect and have our problems, just like anyone else.
No matter what those problem or issue - past or present, I have the opportunity to look to pillars of the faith in my family as examples of faithfulness, love, and service.
As I mentioned on Tuesday, Grandpa feels twice blessed by the women in his life. On this Throwback Thursday, I would like to take a moment to honor the woman I grew up knowing as Grandma, Evelyn Rose. She is one of the familial pillars of faith whose example I have been blessed by,
As Grandpa said at her funeral in April 1995, "So long, Evelyn." You are remembered and deeply loved.