I was spending the afternoon at home with my nephew, Kadesh. We had eaten lunch and since he saw my iPad, the next word out of his mouth was "Gigi!" (aka my mom).
"Do you want to FaceTime with Gigi?"
"Yeah," accompanied by an adamant nod.
We had a few minutes before nap time needed to be enforced, so I agreed. Kadesh smiled with a shy giggle as we waited for her to answer.
We all chatted for a while and she offered to read him a book long-distance. Kadesh and I settled in on the couch, after he selected a book, and we began to read. The longer Gigi read, the sleepier Kadesh looked.
So, Gigi asked, "Kadesh, do you want to take a nap with me?" A slow nod was the only response.

Gigi closed her eyes and Kadesh closed his eyes. Three long blinks later, he was out. There was no fighting nap time that day. Gigi's magic touch transcended the miles and facilitated deep, sweet sleep for a few hours.
With the wonders of modern technology, it is easier and easier to be supportive of family and friends no matter what the location. Within a matter of one week, I had Skype'd to encourage a missionary friend, texted another missionary friend for free via WhatsApp, FaceTime'd Gigi with Kadesh and prayed with a friend over the phone who is going through a difficult time.
My encouragement to you on this Makeover Monday is to makeover your uses of technology. Let's show our support, be a blessing, and express our solidarity, even from afar.