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Grief is a funny thing.  It raises its ugly head at the most unexpected and inopportune times.  No one faces it in the same way.  And, unless you say something, no one knows how it affects you.  It´s Wake-up Wednesday and you may have woken up today dealing with grief.

No matter what we are grieving – the loss of a loved one or unmet expectations, the pain is real and becomes frustrating when revisited.

As we go through the grief process, we are learning a new normal.  We are sorting through our memories to determine which ones to hold onto and which ones to let go of.  Depending on the source of the grief, we want to forget the pain and remember the good times.  But those lines are not so clearly drawn.

The good times we want to remember can be exactly what brings the pain, but the pain we long to forget may be the very thing that brought transformation, healing, and a closer relationship with God.

So, which is it?  Is grief a process of learning to forget or to remember?  I propose it is a little of both.  May God guide that process of healing in each of our lives.

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