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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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I recently read a blog post that suggested that we easily fall into the trap of perceived scarcity in a land of abundance.  This scarcity fosters a feeling of never having enough, never being enough, never doing enough… which has led me to much reflection and meditation on the concept of “enough.”

We complain in the morning that we didn’t get enough sleep.  There are never enough hours in the day, enough green lights as we drive, enough chocolate chips in our cookie, or enough patience for our families.  At the end of the day, we feel burdened by the fact that we didn’t get enough done and the vicious cycle continues.

What if we took a moment to makeover our view of the word “enough?”  It’s Makeover Monday; so instead of seeing what we don’t have enough of, let’s thank God that we have more than enough.

Thank you for my bed and the hours I do get to sleep in it.  Thank you for a way to get from one place to another, no matter how many green or red lights.  Thank you for the joy of taste, like chocolate chip cookies, and for my family.  Please help me remember that in you, I have more than enough

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