I don’t remember hitting a huge growth spurt as a child, but I do remember the cramps in my legs and a general achy feeling that my mom attributed to growing pains. In the same way that I tell my nephew, “I think you grew last night. You’re bigger today!” I am reminded of my parents’ comments that we girls must have grown during our nap or during the night.
It’s always easier for someone else to measure our growth than it is for ourselves. Unless we experience those growing pains, we may be unaware of the transformation that is happening. The gradual growth easily goes unrecognized.

As a ministry, we are experiencing some growing pains, which makes us keenly aware of the growth for which we thank God profusely! And while growing pains can be painful, they are a necessary part of transformation into all God has called us to be.
For Throwback Thursday, let’s take a moment to reflect on how far we’ve come. I’m no longer the little girl you see in this picture. My growing pains, frustrations, hard work, and God’s grace have made me into the woman I am today.
So as the ministry experiences growing pains or as you do – frustrating as it may seem – let’s view it is an opportunity to give thanks. God hasn’t given up on us and we are growing!