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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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When I was in middle school, I started writing in a prayer journal. It was a more focused way of expressing my thoughts and prayers to God. It was also a tremendous testimony to how God was working in my life as I looked back and read past prayers.

Early in my high school career, I prayed that God would use my interest in languages to his glory. Because of my sister’s interest, my entire family took a sign language class, not to mention the Spanish classes in which I was already well entrenched.

Shortly after that prayer, we were offered the opportunity to host a Brazilian foreign exchange student through my high school. We were also given the chance to meet her family and host them on a visit. My limited Spanish and her broken English made it an interesting proposition to communicate with her family in portuguese.

During that time, I thought that was the only way God was answering my prayer regarding my passion for languages. Ha! I was greatly limiting God’s potential in my life.

For Throwback Thursday, take a moment to reflect on a prayer you have lifted up to God. He may not be through answering it yet. Let’s not limit his potential in our lives!


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