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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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Play is an innate ability for children. Whether Barbies or cars, dress-up or cops and robbers, children delight in play, especially with other children. In play, children learn how the world works - how blocks can only stack so high and then come crashing down. They learn that we have to take turns, that sharing is best, and other ways to interact with others.

Learning happens when a child plays. For a child, play is learning. I wonder if Jesus was referring to play when he said that we should become like a little child.

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” All work and no play also hinders productivity when we work.

Someone asked me recently what hobbies I have, what I do for fun, and how often I am able to step away from work to recharge my batteries and return with greater focus.

I hesitated with my answer. I hesitated too long. I was searching my brain to describe any of my relaxing activities as a hobby and wrestling with feelings of guilt for the times when I’m not working or being productive.

Children are free and uninhibited when they play. There is no guilt about what else they should be doing at that time. Solomon said there is a time for everything (Ecc. 3).

Which is a greater challenge for you? Finding time to play or finding motivation to work? Are the two connected?

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