When Peter stepped out on faith to walk on water, he trusted completely in the one who called him out of the boat. He took several miraculous steps, walking on the water, just as Jesus had done.
However, when he lost sight of Jesus, he lost faith in the possibility of the impossible.
When we lose sight of Christ (Heb. 12:2), our faith wavers and we are overcome by the storms of life. Peter allowed the storm to distract him from focusing on Jesus.
But that is not the end of the story.
We see in Matthew 14:28-32, that when Peter’s focus shifted from Jesus to the wind, he cried out, “Lord, save me.”
And that’s exactly what our Lord did and does. He extends his hand in grace to rescue us. Step out on faith today, knowing that the Lord is there to catch you if you lose sight and draw you back to him.