Today, my mom is having the family do an exercise together that we participated in at the first IRSM Destination Retreat. I invite you to join with us today as well.
It is also a great segue as we near the month of December since the blog theme for that month will be Hope and Love.
Have one person read Psalm 136 aloud and have everyone else join together to repeat, “His love endures forever.”
We are now going to create our own version of Psalm 136.
Rotating around the circle, have each person express a statement of what God has done in his/her life. After each statement, the group will respond as one voice, “His love endures forever.” Feel free to do this as many times as you would like!
What if we had listed statements of current challenges in our lives? Does that change our response of “His love endures forever?”
Feel free to repeat this activity on your own, extending your own version of Psalm 136.
The answer always remains the same: “His love endures forever.”