I’m done. I’m out. I quit. I have lost all hope.
Have you been there? Done that?—if even for a moment.
There are some situations that feel truly hopeless.
The famine and siege the Israelites faced in 2 Kings 7 even led two women to decide to eat their sons! (Later, one mom reneged on her decision – 2 Kings 6:26-29.)
What seemed a desperate situation, God redeemed by making the Arameans, who had the Israelites under siege, flee. Then Israel, at the prompting of four lepers, enjoyed the riches and spoils the Arameans had abandoned.
Abraham, the father of many nations? He and his wife were old and childless—quite the hopeless situation. But against all hope, Abraham, in hope, believed.
Abraham’s son of promise did not come until the covenant had been made between God and Abraham. Ishmael, Hagar’s son, was born before Abraham was circumcised. Actually, father and son were circumcised on the same day (Genesis 17:26). And in the very next chapter, we see the angels of the Lord visit Abraham and promise that by that time next year, he and Sarah will bear a son.
When we trust God and enter into covenant with Him, God takes impossible, hopeless situations, and has the power to bring about outcomes beyond what we ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20-21). Just ask Abraham and the Israelites.
What hopeless situation can you bring to Him today?