I have had those words from the David Crowder Band song, "How He loves us," playing over and over in my head recently. I have been forced to reflect more on their meaning and why I might be focused on those words.
I Corinthians 13 says that love does not envy. Envy and jealousy are often referred to in similar contexts, but I encourage you to consider how they are different. Envy is the emotion behind coveting what someone else has. Even the Ten Commandments spoke against coveting.
On the other hand, jealousy means that you want something all for yourself. This can, of course, be a very self-centered and unhealthy emotion, but love is also not self-seeking.
God's love is a jealous love because He wants me all to Himself. He doesn't want me to have any other gods before Him. He is my loving Creator and gracious Father who wants what is best for me. He is jealous for me.
Today, let's makeover what we are allowing to be jealous for us. We can start anew and allow God to love us with a jealous love and return His love with exclusive love and dedication.