“Thanks for listening. I feel better just by being able to talk it out.” A sister expressed this sentiment to me after a lengthy, tearful conversation in which she shared some of what is burdening her heart and affecting her family.
When we verbalize what we are going through, to God and to others, the load is lightened, the sting is lessened, and the pain is reduced. Also, as we share the burden of what we are facing, we are reminded that we are not alone.
When we bottle it all up, we suffer from what I affectionately call “pressure cooker syndrome.” If you keep it all under lock and key, it will reach a moment in which you explode.
We are never alone and God is always listening. Prayer is one of the most powerful avenues through which we can relieve stress, express frustration, rejoice, and find peace.
Prayer is our vital lifeline of spiritual health. Constant contact and communication with our Creator, Father, and Great Physician are essential for our wellbeing.